Kids friendly: parent-to-kid - 20-25 min - mixed - pasta - use EID: groene pestokaas
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Kids friendly: parent-to-kid - 20-25 min - mixed - pasta - use EID: groene pestokaas

with broccoli, pesto cheese, and salted almonds

Allergenen :
•Melk (inclusief lactose)

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Bereidingstijd25 minuten
oventijd25 minuten



90 gram


(Bevat Gluten, Tarwe Kan bevatten Soja, Mosterd)

200 gram


1 stuk(s)


½ stuk(s)


75 gram


(Bevat Melk (inclusief lactose))

5 gram

Verse basilicum en oregano

100 gram

Half-om-halfgehakt met Italiaanse kruiden

(Kan bevatten Ei, Mosterd, Selderij, Soja, Gluten)

15 gram


(Bevat Melk (inclusief lactose))

10 gram

Gezouten amandelen

(Bevat Amandelnoten, Pinda's Kan bevatten Noten, Sesamzaad)

½ zakje(s)

Siciliaanse kruidenmix

½ stuk(s)


Zelf toevoegen

150 ml

Zoutarme groentebouillon

¾ el

[Plantaardige] roomboter

½ el


naar smaak

Peper en zout



Energie (kJ)4150 kJ
Energie (kcal)992 kcal
Vetten50.5 g
waarvan verzadigd24.1 g
Koolhydraten85.7 g
waarvan suikers13 g
Vezels14.8 g
Eiwitten44 g
Zout2.3 g


•Grote pan


  • Boil plenty of salted water in a large pot or saucepan and cook the pasta for 10 - 12 minutes.
  • Cut the head of the broccoli into small florets and finely dice the stem. Cook the broccoli along for the last 4 - 6 minutes.
  • Drain and set aside.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the stock.

Did you know... broccoli is considered a superfood, and for good reason - not only is it high in vitamins B, C and E, it's also a great source of calcium, potassium and iron.

  • Chop the onion and garlic.
  • Melt a knob of butter in a deep frying pan over medium-high heat and fry the onion and garlic for 2 minutes, then whisk in the flour.
  • Pour in a third of the stock and whisk continuously to incorporate, then repeat twice more with the rest of the stock to make a smooth sauce.
  • Bring to a boil, then allow to thicken and reduce for 1 - 2 minutes.
  • In the meantime, melt a small knob of butter in a frying pan over medium-high heat and fry the mince with the Sicilian-style herbs for 4 - 6 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Chop the fresh herbs, making sure to keep them separate. 
  • Add the cooking cream and oregano to the roux and stir well until combined (see tip). Let simmer until serving. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Roughly chop the salted almonds. Quarter the lemon.

Health Tip: This recipe is high in calories. If you're watching your calorie intake, substitute the cream for milk or stock and simmer the sauce for a longer time. You can keep the cream to use another time.

  • Mix the pasta and broccoli with the sauce.
  • Serve the pasta on deep plates and top with the mince and garnish with the basil.
  • For the parents, garnish with the salted almonds and pesto cheese cubes.
  • Serve with the lemon wedges.