Greek style rice salad with steak strips
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Greek style rice salad with steak strips

With white cheese, dill and pumpkin seeds

Allergenen :
Melk (inclusief lactose)

Raadpleeg altijd het productetiket voor de meest accurate informatie over ingrediënten en allergenen

Bereidingstijd20 minuten
oventijd20 minuten



100 gram


½ zakje(s)

Griekse kruidenmix

1 stuk(s)




½ stuk(s)


25 gram

Witte kaas

(Bevat Melk (inclusief lactose))

75 gram

Witte langgraanrijst

½ stuk(s)


5 gram

Dille, munt en bladpeterselie

½ stuk(s)


10 gram


(Kan bevatten Pinda's, Noten, Sesamzaad)

Zelf toevoegen

naar smaak

Extra vierge olijfolie

½ stuk(s)

Zoutarm groentebouillonblokje

1 el

[Plantaardige] roomboter

1 tl


1 tl

Honing [of plantaardig alternatief]

naar smaak

Peper en zout



Energie (kJ)3024 kJ
Energie (kcal)723 kcal
Vetten27.3 g
waarvan verzadigd14.4 g
Koolhydraten79.1 g
waarvan suikers12.1 g
Vezels7.8 g
Eiwitten39 g
Zout1.5 g




  • Boil plenty of water in a pot or saucepan, crumble in the stock cube and cook the rice for 12 - 15 minutes or until done. Drain and set aside.
  • Chop the onion into half rings. Cut the lemon into 6 wedges and finely chop the fresh herbs. 

Did you know... cucumbers are low in calories and mostly made up of water, but they still contain vitamins and minerals. They're a great way to stay hydrated and get your essential nutrients at the same time.

  • In a large salad bowl, make a dressing with the mustard, half of the honey, the juice of 1 lemon wedge per person and extra virgin olive oil to taste.
  • Mix with the onion and half of the fresh herbs through the dressing. Season to taste with salt and pepper and set aside. 
  • Dice the cucumber and tomato. 
  • Heat a clean frying pan over high heat and toast the pumpkin seeds until they start to pop. Remove from the pan and set aside.
  • Heat a knob of butter in the same frying pan over high heat and fry the steak strips with the Greek Spices for 1 minute. 
  • Deglaze the pan with the juice of 1 lemon wedge per person,  water (see pantry for amount) and add an extra knob of butter and the rest of the fresh herbs and honey.
  • Season to taste with salt and pepper. 
  • Add the cucumber and rice to the salad bowl and toss with the dressing. Add more extra virgin olive oil as preferred. 
  • Serve the salad on deep plates. Top with the beef strips and tomato cubes. Drizzle over the sauce from the frying pan.
  • Crumble over the white cheese and garnish with the pumpkin seeds. 
  • Serve with the rest of the lemon wedges.