Raadpleeg altijd het productetiket voor de meest accurate informatie over ingrediënten en allergenen
2 stuk(s)
200 gram
3 stuk(s)
500 ml
Biologische magere kwark
(Bevat Melk (inclusief lactose))
2 stuk(s)
250 ml
10 gram
(Kan bevatten Noten, Sesamzaad, Pinda's)
naar smaak
Honing [of plantaardig alternatief]
Peel and chop 2 mangos. Scoop out the seeds of 1 pomegranate. Add the mango, half of the pomegranate, 250g of quark and honey to taste to a blender (or tall container, if you're using an immersion blender), then blend into a thick smoothie. Pour the smoothie into two glasses and garnish with the pomegranate seeds.
Peel and chop 1 mango. Peel the oranges. Add the mango, orange and the coconut milk in a blender (or tall container, if you're using an immersion blender), then blend into a thick smoothie. Pour the smoothie into two glasses and garnish with the chia seeds.
Scoop out the seeds of 1 pomegranate. Add 2/3 of the pomegranate, pineapple, yogurt and honey to taste to a blender (or tall container, if you're using an immersion blender), then blend into a thick smoothie. Pour the smoothie into two glasses and garnish with the pomegranate seeds.