Main course - fish - 2 sdes
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Main course - fish - 2 sdes

with crunchy Roseval potatoes & glazed rainbow carrots


Earlier in the day:

  • Boil the potatoes
  • Make the creamy chive sauce

20 - 25 minutes before serving:

  • Roast the potatoes
  • Prepare and bake the salmon
  • Boil the green beans
Allergenen :
•Melk (inclusief lactose)

Raadpleeg altijd het productetiket voor de meest accurate informatie over ingrediënten en allergenen

Bereidingstijd1 uur
oventijd1 uur



250 gram

Vastkokende rode aardappelen

400 gram


(Bevat Vis)

1 stuk(s)


200 gram


¼ stuk(s)


½ stuk(s)


1 takje(s)

Verse rozemarijn

10 gram

Verse bladpeterselie en bieslook

10 gram


(Bevat Amandelnoten Kan bevatten Pinda's, Noten, Sesamzaad)

15 gram

Panko paneermeel

(Bevat Tarwe)

1 zakje(s)

Midden-Oosterse kruidenmix

100 ml


(Bevat Melk (inclusief lactose))

25 gram

Citroenmayo met zwarte peper

(Bevat Ei, Mosterd, Soja)

Zelf toevoegen

½ el

Extra vierge olijfolie

30 gram

[Plantaardige] roomboter

1 el


½ el


50 ml

Zoutarme groentebouillon

naar smaak

Peper en zout



Energie (kJ)6785 kJ
Energie (kcal)1622 kcal
Vetten116.5 g
waarvan verzadigd40.3 g
Koolhydraten78.4 g
waarvan suikers14.7 g
Vezels21 g
Eiwitten55.7 g
Zout2.1 g


•Kleine kom
•Bakplaat met bakpapier



You can prepare some elements in advance. See the 'mise en place' information on the front of the recipe card.

  • Preheat the oven to 200°C. Boil plenty of salted water in a pot for the potatoes.
  • Cut any larger potatoes in half. Parboil the potatoes for 10 - 12 minutes, then drain and set aside.
  • Discard the rosemary stalk and finely chop the leaves. Crush or mince the garlic. 
  • In a small bowl, combine the olive oil with the rosemary and garlic.
  • Transfer the potatoes to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Gently crush the potatoes using a glass or potato masher.
  • Drizzle with the rosemary oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for around 20 minutes until golden-brown and crispy.
  • Meanwhile, finely chop the parsley and chives, being sure to keep them separate.
  • Cut the lemon into six wedges.
  • Pat the salmon dry with kitchen paper and transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  • In a bowl, combine the panko with the Middle Eastern spices and the extra virgin olive oil.
  • Spread the panko mixture over the salmon.
  • Bake the salmon in the oven (see below for the exact cooking time).

400g: 15 - 19 minutes
600g: 20 - 24 minutes
800g: 25 - 28 minutes 

  • Discard the tips of the green beans and transfer to a pot or saucepan.
  • Cover with a shallow layer of water, then add a pinch of salt.
  • Bring to the boil and allow to cook gently for 4 - 6 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold water, then return to the pan. 
  • Meanwhile, roll the pomegranate over the countertop so as to release the seeds, then cut it open and scoop them out.
  • Prepare the stock.
  • Melt half of the butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat.
  • Add the flour and fry for 1 minute until fragrant, then add the cream and the stock. Mix well to combine, then simmer gently for 3 - 5 minutes.
  • Shortly before serving, add the chives and the juice of 1 - 2 lemon wedges per person. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  • Shortly before serving, add the shaved almonds and the rest of the butter to the green beans. Fry for 2 - 3 minutes over high heat, then transfer to a serving dish. Garnish with half of the parsley. 
  • Serve the potatoes with the lemon mayonnaise.
  • Garnish the salmon with the pomegranate and the rest of the parsley.
  • Serve the creamy chive sauce alongside.