Bulgur with Steak Strips and Greek-Style Cheese
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Bulgur with Steak Strips and Greek-Style Cheese

with bell pepper and spinach

Allergenen :
Melk (inclusief lactose)

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Bereidingstijd15 minuten
oventijd10 minuten



½ stuk(s)


½ stuk(s)


½ stuk(s)


25 gram

Witte kaas

(Bevat Melk (inclusief lactose))

½ zakje(s)

Italiaanse kruiden

50 gram


1 stuk(s)

Gemarineerde steak

(Bevat Selderij Kan bevatten Ei, Gluten, Melk (inclusief lactose), Mosterd, Sesamzaad, Soja)

75 gram


(Bevat Tarwe Kan bevatten Soja)

Zelf toevoegen

1 el

Zwarte balsamicoazijn

1 el


½ stuk(s)

Zoutarm paddenstoelen- of groentebouillonblokje

1 el

Extra vierge olijfolie

1.5 el


1 tl


1 el

[Plantaardige] mayonaise

naar smaak

Peper en zout



Energie (kJ)3765 kJ
Energie (kcal)900 kcal
Vetten50.1 g
waarvan verzadigd11.3 g
Koolhydraten65.8 g
waarvan suikers14 g
Vezels20.6 g
Eiwitten40.8 g
Zout2.3 g


•Kleine kom


  • Remove the steak from the fridge and let it come to room temperature.
  • Transfer the bulgur to a pot or saucepan and cover with water.
  • Crumble in the stock cube and bring to a boil.
  • Allow the bulgur to cook for 10 minutes until done. Drain and set aside.
  • Slice the onion into thin half rings.
  • In a bowl, mix 1/2 tbsp red wine vinegar per person  with 1/2 tsp sugar each.  
  • Add half the onion and season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything and set aside, stirring occasionally so the flavours sink in.
  • Dice the bell pepper and tomato.
  • Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a  frying pan over medium-high. Add the steak  to the pan and fry for 1 - 3 minutes per side. Remove from the pan, season with salt and pepper and allow to rest for at least 3 minutes under aluminum foil.
  • Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a frying pan. Add the bell pepper, half of the onion and Italian Seasoning and fry for 3 - 4 minutes. 
  • Mix the bulgur with the spinach, tomato, onions, extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. 
  • In a bowl mix 1tbsp of Mayonnaise and 1/2 tsp Red wine vinegar per person and drizzle over the bulgur



  • Serve the bulgur in deep plates or bowls.
  • Top with the steak, onions, bell pepper, and mayonnaise sauce and crumble the Greek-style cheese on top

Did you know...as well as vitamin C, red peppers are also high in vitamin E. This antioxidant is also found in sunflower oil, wholegrain products, nuts, seeds and green vegetables.