W51 - Open briefing - Core - try to use EID: (fles)pumpkin (1/2)
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W51 - Open briefing - Core - try to use EID: (fles)pumpkin (1/2)

with rice noodles, lime, and coriander

Receptontwikkelaar Iris: "Hoewel ik pompoen een lekkere groente vind, is de smaak voor mij al snel te zoet. Daarom heb ik het in dit recept gecombineerd met mijn favoriete frisse, zure, en licht pittige smaken: limoen, koriander, chili en kerrie. Zo is deze soep goed in balans!"

Extra groente
Allergenen :

Raadpleeg altijd het productetiket voor de meest accurate informatie over ingrediënten en allergenen

Bereidingstijd35 minuten
oventijd20 minuten



½ stuk(s)


80 gram


(Bevat Schaaldieren)

90 ml


5 gram

Verse koriander

(Kan bevatten Selderij)

¼ stuk(s)


½ zakje(s)


(Bevat Selderij, Mosterd)

50 gram

Brede rijstnoedels

5 gram


½ stuk(s)


¼ stuk(s)

Rode peper

Zelf toevoegen

½ el


250 ml


½ stuk(s)

Zoutarm groentebouillonblokje

½ el

[Plantaardige] roomboter

naar smaak

Peper en zout



Energie (kJ)3132 kJ
Energie (kcal)749 kcal
Vetten30.7 g
waarvan verzadigd19.5 g
Koolhydraten92.5 g
waarvan suikers10 g
Vezels15.8 g
Eiwitten21.1 g
Zout2.5 g


•Soeppan met deksel



Halve the butternut squash lengthways. Scoop out the seeds and the stringy part of the flesh, then dice the butternut squash. Crush or mince the garlic. Heat the sunflower oil in a soup pot over medium-high heat. Fry the garlic with the curry powder and ginger paste for 1 minute.


Add the butternut squash, then pour in the water crumble in the stock cube (see pantry for amounts). Bring to a boil, then cover with the lid and allow to simmer for 20 minutes or until the butternut squash is done. Boil plenty of water in a pot or saucepan and cook the noodles for 4 - 5 minutes until al dente. Drain and rinse under cold water, then set aside.


Meanwhile, chop the coriander. Zest the lime and cut it into quarters. Cut off the top of the red chili pepper, then roll the chili pepper in your hands so as to release the seeds. Allow the seeds to fall out as preferred, then chop the chili pepper into thin rings. Reserve 2 - 3 rings per person to use later as garnish.


Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Fry the shrimp with the chili pepper* for 3 minutes. When the shrimp are done, take the pan off the heat and stir in 0.5 tsp lime zest per person. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

*Take care, this ingredient is spicy! Use as preferred.


To the soup, add the coconut milk and the juice of one lime wedge per person. Remove from the heat and use an immersion blender to process until smooth. Blend in some extra water if you'd prefer the soup to be less thick, then season to taste with salt and pepper. 


Serve the noodles in bowls, then top with the soup and the shrimp. Drizzle with the residual chili butter from the pan. Garnish with the reserved chili pepper and the coriander, along with the rest of the lime zest. Serve any remaining lime wedges alongside.