Raadpleeg altijd het productetiket voor de meest accurate informatie over ingrediënten en allergenen
40 gram
Groene linzen
250 gram
5 gram
Verse bladpeterselie
(Kan bevatten Selderij)
½ zakje(s)
Italiaanse kruiden
25 gram
(Bevat Melk (inclusief lactose))
½ stuk(s)
½ zakje(s)
Siciliaanse kruidenmix
1 stuk(s)
2 stuk(s)
Gekruide kipworstjes
100 gram
1 el
[Plantaardige] roomboter
25 ml
Zoutarme runderbouillon
naar smaak
Peper en zout
Peel the potatoes and then cut into rough pieces. Transfer to a pot or saucepan and submerge with water, boil the potatoes for 12 - 15 minutes. Cut the head of the cauliflower into florets and dice the stem. Add 2/3 of the cauliflower to the potatoes in the last 8 - 10 minutes then drain and set aside. Cook the rest of the cauliflower with the lentils in the last 8 - 10 minutes.
Dice the onion and crush or mince the garlic. Chop the parsley.
Heat a knob of butter in a frying pan over medium heat and fry the sausages for 6 minutes until evenly browned. Add the onion and fry together for 2 - 3 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the stock and add it to the pan. Lower the heat and set aside until serving.
Drain the lentils and cauliflower and add back to the frying pan on high heat. Add a knob of butter, the garlic, Italian seasoning and half of the parsley. Fry for 2 - 3 minutes and season to taste with salt and pepper. In the mean time add the cooking cream and Sicilian herbs to the cauliflower and potatoes and mash until smooth. Season to taste with pepper and salt.
Serve the cauliflower-potato mash on plates. Serve the lentils with cauliflower and the sausages on top. Drizzle over the sauce and garnish with parsley.