Guillaume Grenache Rosé - Frankrijk
Guillaume Grenache Rosé - Frankrijk

Guillaume Grenache Rosé - Frankrijk


Duif: Grenache gris Jaartal: 2022 Lekker bij: Tapas, antipasti, salades met kaas of kip, gebakken gamba's, vis van de grill, pizza Alcoholpercentage: 12,5%

Geen 18, geen alcohol.

Zwaveldioxide en sulfiet

The quantities provided above are averages only.

Always refer to the product label for the most accurate information about ingredients and allergens

Total Time
Cooking Time


/ Serving 2 people

1 piece


(Contains Zwaveldioxide en sulfiet)

Nutrition Values

/ per serving
Energy (kJ)0 kJ
Calories0 kcal
Fat0 g
Saturated Fat0 g
Carbohydrate0 g
Sugar0 g
Dietary Fiber0 g
Protein0 g
Salt0 g
Due to the different suppliers we purchase our products from, nutritional facts per meal can vary from the website to what is received in the delivered box, depending on your region.

Cooking Steps